A collection of "reviews" of books, movies, CDs, etc. that I've recently been enjoying (or not).
by John Moore
Published on September 20, 2004 By Rolf Laun In Fiction
Heroics for Beginners
by John Moore

Paperback: 246 pages
Ace Books - August 31, 2004

Started - September 15, 2004
Finished - September 21, 2004

I was a little leery about this title when I first saw it in the bookstore. Pulling off a decent fantasy satire is no easy task and I've read quite a few that came close but didn't really make it. I'm happy to say that that is not the case with John Moore's book. It is the perfect blend of farce and story, with neither side outweigh the other. The characters are naturally stereotypical, but still very appealing and the whole "predictable" plotline takes just the right twists to stay funny and keep things moving along.

Recommending humorous books it always tricky as tastes vary greatly when it comes to what is funny and what is not. But if you enjoy Terry Pratchett's Discworld books or Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers series you might want to give this book a try. While the style doesn't exactly match either author, the "tone" of the books is quite similar and for me at least, very funny. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for John Moore's next book.

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